I have said, if there is anything I am currently a professional at, it is a packer. Pack, unpack, repack has been our mantra this year. This week alone we have laid our heads in five different places, ai- ya! I have prided myself in how well we have done up until this week at holding the pieces together. We hadn’t lost one thing and have managed to simulate normal life in many unnormal conditions (Dubai airport floor, Greyhound bus, friend’s living rooms etc). Then this week hit. First we lost the keys to Jason’s Aunt’s condo. Then yesterday Jason lost his wallet. But the kicker was today when Jason went to check in for his flight to New Zealand and handed the lady Annette’s passport!!! Apparently she had a very surprised expression on her face. I had packed Jason with the wrong passport, then driven four hours with the kids up to my parents’ house. Tonight I was balling my eyes out knowing that possibly Jason would now miss his brother’s wedding- this Saturday!! I was getting set to hop in the car and drive four hours back to LA to deliver the passport.
Whew, deep breath. You’ll be happy to know my amazing husband handled the situation better than me. He is booked for tomorrow’s flight (no transfer fees- a God thing and it probably didn’t hurt that he has such long eyelashes), he will drive up tomorrow to get the passport, back to LA and then land in Auckland the morning of the wedding!!!! Please pray for each of those steps to be smooth.
Last night I was listening to a message from Heidi Baker that I had missed at Harvest School. She was talking about the messy realities of ministry and said, “It is so over- rated to have it all together all the time.” I know what she means. Personally, I love being “together”. I feel so empowered by organization and knowing where everything is. But despite my utmost striving, I am not together all the time. And I love that even in that low moment there is grace and there is freedom. So this is me, being wrecked. No cute photos, no amazing testimony. Just a tired mom who dropped the ball and is learning to be okay with it.